Sunday, April 21, 2013

Answer to prayer and Another Shabbot

Answer to prayer. Cheap tickets to Prague for study break!!! Super excited!

2/9 Church; Jerusalem Assembly
Jerusalem assembly is in a sketchy looking cement building that you climb up 5 sets of stairs to a nice sanctuary with many different people from all around the world. There are chairs, hard cement floors, 3 teared fans, cloth drapped over the ceiling that almost looks like toilet paper :) Meno, the pastor, starts the service in Hebrew and then translates to English. He welcomes us and then asks for prayer request. We sing some songs in Hebrew where our prof Benj leads with a few others and his wife Yael accompanies him with piano. Today I knew As the Deer and O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus. Then someone does a devotional in Hebrew and Meno translates. Then, we have the service where Meno speaks in Hebrew and Yael's dad translates. They do such a good job. You hear murmuring throughout the service but that is people translating the service into even more languages. There are so many nations represented that it is so great! We are all the body of Christ and it is such a good picture of it.

After church we were dropped off in the old city again for lunch. We went into an Armenian church (i couldn't take pictures) and that was amazing as well as super depressing!!! While in the sanctuary you couldn't have hands in your pockets or your legs cross. The men were dressed in black cape things. It started with one man singing and then two guys came in throwing incense and all the boys and men faced forward and started singing as well. It was so cultish. I wish I knew more how to explain it! I just had to look at the young boys who were tricked into thinking that this was normal cause their friends and family were all by their sides. The two guys with incense came to the pillars and tossed it at us. The building was huge! Very decorative with many pictures of JEsus and Mary. My heart hurt for those people.

Later, Jayden, Jen, and I were waiting for Ashley and Leah who stopped to look at something and as soon as Jayden turned to walk away, the shop keeper grabbed my arm, "Are you looking for a boyfriend?" "No!" "I couldn't help but notice your eyes. They are so beautiful!" I pulled away walked away not looking back. "Oh no, please! don't break my heart." Weird, I tell you, that is a good example of the shop keepers walking around in Jerusalem. I like having guys with me :)

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