Sunday, January 13, 2013

Prayer Request

Some of you have been asking how you can pray for me. Man I appreciate it so much! I will let you decided by giving you some ideas.


Physically: the question, “Will my body hold up?” is scary. If you don’t know me very well I have quite a few health issues that you would think I’m a drug dealer with my four-month supply of pills that I have to take to Israel. Physically this trip could be rigorous and if anyone gets hurt or sick it will most likely be me :/ ask my caring, nurse major roommate J She has been so good to take care of me. I should’ve warned her first J Last semester I had bronchitis, stomach flu, and multiple colds along the way. It was a bummers. So all this to say, prayer for physical strength would be huge!

Mentally: I’m not ready for hard schoolwork. I hear it can be very hard work. I know my mind will adjust, it usually does going back to school but right now it seems hard. Here are my classes:
Land and the Bible
The Life of Christ
Jewish Thought and Culture
Modern Hebrew
I’m not a confident person in my abilities, and I often tend to be hard on myself so mental strength would be huge as well! That will be tested a lot on this trip.

Emotionally: I’m not worried about being far away cause in California it wasn’t like I could go home or anything. What will be hard is if a grandparent or family friend dies and I wont able to fly back for the funeral. Morbid, I know but that would just be the worst! For one man, Im supposed to play at his funeral, for my grandparents I live 5min away and have been able to get really close to them over the years so that would just be EXTREMELY hard and miserable! Just strength would be great, and prayer that they wouldn’t die ;) man that is selfish!

Spiritually: I will be tested! I know already. I wish I could’ve prepared more before I left, not totally sure how but here we go. I am gunna grow leaps and bounds but I will also be tested. Prayer for that would just be great.

It is so hard to think of leaving the comfort of Oregon life as I know it again but I know once I see Stephanie at the airport and fly to California I will be all giddy and excited to see my friends and to go to Israel.
On a happy note J

Things that excite me:
  • Getting to spend another semester with my roommate and our friendship being able to grow even more
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Memory making and TONS of laughter (our trip is fully of huge personalities that are hilarious!)
  • My classes and the knowledge I will gain from them
  • Walking where Jesus walked . . . WHAT!!! Man that boggles my mind right now! To think of it actually coming to life seems crazy! EEEEEEEEEK J

Anyway, I need to keep trucking on the homework and everything else that needs to get done in the next two days . . . it is too much! Oh well, His strength right! J Can’t believe in one week I will be in Israel! I can’t believe that in 2 days I will be in California at Truth and Life Conference. So much to look forward too so I shouldn’t dwell on the stress or the fact that I have to leave my poor parents again who will need lots of comforting from you guys (church people J) God is so good!

I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity and am excited to see what God will do!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're keeping us posted, Bri! What an ADVENTURE!!!!!!! Will definitely pray. I'm still so proud of you for doing this. You'll LOVE it! :) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
