Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Valentines day and Shabbat

2/14 Valentines Day
I'm learning Hebrew! It is amazing how fast and how much we are learning!! It's exciting! Andrew and I did our dialogue homework together and that was fun and hilarious. I cant get the rolling the tongue thing down. I mean i've came a long ways but still have quite a ways to go.

Later, since I played piano for Bible Study, Natalie (a secretary and friend) made me and Jen dinner in her home. It was the sweetest thing!!! It was so fun to be able to be with her, Wendy, and Jen! I really want to get to know them more. Natalie made pasta with dried tomatoes and broccoli, salad with apple and pears in it with a sesame dressing, some spinach rolls/biscuit things and sweet tea. Oh. My. Word!!! It was so delicious. So spoiled and blessed by it! WAAAAAY better then the same routine cafe food every day. For desert we had yummy strawberries.

It is valentines day and i was a blessed girl! Our guys are the best! Daniel bought all the girls twix bars and put them in our mail boxes anonymously (we found out though obviously :) ), Tae put in a ferrero rocher chocolate in a few of our boxes with a little note, then, the men announced in class that they were gunna take us girls (who double them in number by the way) out to ice cream! Spoiled or what! They went after dinner so Jen and I had to take our strawberries and run all the way down the Moshav's driveway to catch up with the group and we were laughing most of the way. We caught up with the group in the back and then Ben and Chris ran up behind us and Ben told me that we both got packages!! I knew it was my book from my parents that amazon never sent to me :( but i was still excited. (it was a great package with notes from my parents and fruit snacks!!) We made it to elvis inn where we got ice cream and my prague group talked about our trip as we were waiting for the line to die down. Justin bought me a rockie-road like ice cream in a cone and it was super good. What a treat!

Ultimate Frisbee with the gang! Love it!! fun exercise with great people, can't get much better then that. 
It was my turn to give the devotional before Shabbat dinner since i'm the dorm leader and I read and briefly commented on Psalms 145 and talked about how we are to praise God and by praising Him we are telling the next generation and being here, we are seeing generations of God's faithfulness so we should praise Him all the more. We have seen His faithfulness to Israel so how much more should we proclaim His name! It went ok though the passage ended up being long as i read it. Then dinner was fun. I always love shabbat dinners, getting dressed up and just talking for an hour. Then we had chapel where the speaker spoke on the Diaspora and then the evening mellowed out from there.

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